Sarah and Ian's Move to Ottawa

The story so far...having planned and booked a three month trip to South America, we were given a difficult decision to make when Ian was offered a job in Canada. After much hard thinking, we took the job, but get the best of both worlds as we still have two weeks in Brazil and Chile before arriving in Ottawa. We are now living in Ottawa and enjoying the big adventure of living somewhere new. This is the story of our experience...

Monday, October 31, 2005

Family Time

Mum, Dad and Nan had a week in Toronto and Niagara and then a week in Quebec. The middle weekend we all went to Tremblant. We had a fabulous three bedroom apartment overlooking the cable cars. I was disappointed that all the activities were closed as were the cablecars. We still had a good weekend walking round the village and watching the beavers on the lake.

The final weekend they were with us, we showed them more of Ottawa. We walked around the Byward market, along the Rideau canal and showed them some of the places we go to a lot, Second Cup and Loblaws! They were amazed by the size of the supermarket.

We dropped mum, dad and nan off at the airport. It was very sad to see them leave. So sad that we bought a bottle of icewine to commiserate ourselves.


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