Sarah and Ian's Move to Ottawa

The story so far...having planned and booked a three month trip to South America, we were given a difficult decision to make when Ian was offered a job in Canada. After much hard thinking, we took the job, but get the best of both worlds as we still have two weeks in Brazil and Chile before arriving in Ottawa. We are now living in Ottawa and enjoying the big adventure of living somewhere new. This is the story of our experience...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Colonial Quito

This morning was clear so we got a taxi up to El Panecillo for excellent views of old Quito below. At the top of the hill there is also a statue of the Virgin Mary overlooking the city. Back in town we visited Casa de Sucre, home of Field Marshal Sucre, Ecuador's liberator. It was a beautiful late colonial home but we weren't that interested in the military displays and maps.

In the afternoon we went to the new town and saw some protests on the way there. The new town has lots of bars and restaurants aimed at tourists. We walked down a main shopping street, Avenue Amazonas, and spent the rest of the afternoon in Museo Banco de Centro. We would really recommend this museum for its good displays of Ecuadorian history and gold jewellery.

After the museum we relaxed for a couple of hours in a cafe and had lovely chocolate cake. We finished a very nice day with a great Thai meal in Siam restaurant.


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