Sarah and Ian's Move to Ottawa

The story so far...having planned and booked a three month trip to South America, we were given a difficult decision to make when Ian was offered a job in Canada. After much hard thinking, we took the job, but get the best of both worlds as we still have two weeks in Brazil and Chile before arriving in Ottawa. We are now living in Ottawa and enjoying the big adventure of living somewhere new. This is the story of our experience...

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Tight Teachings

I’m the first to admit that I have deep pockets and short arms. I look after my money. I particularly like the free samples that are given away at coffee shops, so when I saw a plate of biscotti segments on the coffee shop counter, I nabbed one (the biggest of course) and popped it straight in my mouth. This caused the waitress to look at me as if I was the filthiest person in the World and it was then that I realised it wasn’t a free sample plate, but someone else’s left-overs!


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