Sarah and Ian's Move to Ottawa

The story so far...having planned and booked a three month trip to South America, we were given a difficult decision to make when Ian was offered a job in Canada. After much hard thinking, we took the job, but get the best of both worlds as we still have two weeks in Brazil and Chile before arriving in Ottawa. We are now living in Ottawa and enjoying the big adventure of living somewhere new. This is the story of our experience...

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Challenging Feet

Before we left the UK I got Sarah a pedometer to measure how far we walk each day. Don’t worry, I didn’t pay for it. It was free from Walkers crisps (known as Lays in North America). It found its way into our suitcase and as I’ve put on a stone since moving here I decided to see if I do the 10,000 steps a day needed to lose weight. 300 steps before we left the flat was a good start and apparently I made 30 steps whilst driving to Montreal. I found that getting coins out of my pocket is equivalent to 7 steps and pulling my trousers up is 5 steps.

Even allowing for getting $10 worth of change from my pocket and pulling my trousers up and down thirty times, I completed my 10,000 steps in the Eaton shopping mall. What was I to do now? I couldn’t risk over exercising so I had to just stop! I suggested that Sarah carry me back to the hotel. Sarah politely suggested that I should slide my feet rather than stepping and in that way we made it back to the hotel.

I did 24,845 steps over the weekend.


  • At 8:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Don't worry you'll never burn as many calories as Richard when he pulls his trousers down.


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